
Tag Infected Books


Shadowlocked by David Moody
AUTUMN author DAVID MOODY releases a new thriller novel this month - SHADOWLOCKED - and you can pre-order it now.

Autumn: Inferno

Autumn: Inferno by David Moody

Several months’ worth of disruptions and issues prevented us announcing that AUTUMN: INFERNO has hit the shelves and is now available to read around the world. “An absolute blast from beginning to end – 10/10” —GBHBL.com PRINTAMAZON | BOOK DEPOSITORY | BOOKSHOP | INDIEBOUND | B&N EBOOKAMAZON | APPLE | KOBO | GOOGLE PLAY | NOOK SIGNEDINFECTED…

Autumn: Dawn – first reviews are in

Autumn: Dawn by David Moody

With the release of the new AUTUMN novel now less than a week away, the first reviews have started to appear. BookNest said the book was “an unabated, unforgiving onslaught of intensity that takes aim at both the light and…